The success or failure of a company may often depend on the strength of that company's patent portfolio. Clear and concise language is therefore essential to give a patent the greatest chance possible of acceptance. If a patent is challenged by a competitor in the courts, it will be essential for all involved to gain a thorough understanding of the exact function of any particular aspect of the invention.

Large sums of money, and even the future of your company itself, may depend on it. It is for these reasons that we feel that even the most complex of texts should be translated into language that is both easy to read and technically accurate.

This is no easy task. We believe that the degree of eloquence required can only be achieved by somebody writing in their native language. The resulting text will also only be clear if the translator has the invention clear in their own mind. This can only be achieved by a translator with in-depth knowledge of the subject being translated. We go to great lengths to ensure that BrophyTech translators satisfy both these criteria. When put together with our thorough checking system, a BrophyTech translation will not only be clear and concise and therefore increase a patent's chances of success, it will also enable your patent applications to go through more smoothly, saving your company money in the process.

Most of our day to day translations are for entire patent specifications from Japanese into English, for filing by Japanese clients ino the US or Europe. On top of this core business we also handle translations into Japanese for filing in Japan from clients around the world.

Besides translation of specifications for filing, we also undertake the translation of official actions from patent authorities, as well as all correspondence and documentation that may arise during the proecution of a patent.